Wedding & Event Hire




These items are fantastic at emphasizing items that require Height. Stone look, clear acrylic or high gloss white acrylic what better way to showcase an urn or vase. Set up in a foyer or front of ceremony. Team up with pre-made floral urns and floral arrangements.
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School formal in town hall. Presentation using red carpet.
beautiful garden urns with rose balls
the elegance of a floral urn sets off the bridal table
large rose ball, change to suit your theme
all new pedestal with black paper sprays and fairy lights
side view of bridal table of eight with black velvet fitted chair covers and swagging
large fish bowl with velvet white floating rose heads, can be teamed up with coloured rocks or gems
inside or out, the combination of the large urns sitting on a pedestal look elegent
what a picture perfect moment
simplicity and perfection, take a good look at this reflection
what a statement, these pedestals complete this formal set up
high gloss pedestals with large fish bowls
even though this was during the day we still had the soft glow of the purple fairy lights shinning through
soft foam rose ball with purple neon string lighting
floral arrangement with trendy white flexi sticks
formal floral arrangements on stone look pedestals
twin pedestal/urns with white carpet runner to our garden roman arch
extra large manzanita trees with fairy lights
these look gorgeous with the sun reflecting
free standing cane floral arrangements
Tall gold urns with your choice of florals
Large clear round plinth stands, ideal for cake stands
Dry bars with lycra covers. Add a sash for colour or lighting underneath
floral formal entrance urn
So excited to showcase our new white gloss corrugated plinths.

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